Genes.one: How to Fix Internal Server Error on Windows 11 with Apache 2.4
I have been working with the excellent Genes.one framework recently. Especially the PHP backend framework. When I first downloaded it, and tried using it, it would create the initial folders and files, but after that I kept getting 500 series errors when I would try to load the index.php file. This was on my development…
How to Fix It: Copilot for Microsoft 365 Can’t See CalendarBridge Synced Events
TL;DR: In CalendarBridge, edit your sync connection and uncheck the All Private checkbox. If the calendar you are syncing to is set to only show “Busy” to others in your organization, then that’s all people will see from the synced events, even though they aren’t marked as private. The CalendarBridge documentation on how to configure…
Welcome to the New RickySpears.com on RickySpears.NET
I originally registered the domain RickySpears.com way back in 1999. It was my personal website and ‘blog’ before blogs were even a thing. Fast forward to 2019.
How to Change the Time Zone in Windows with a BAT File Script
Because I travel back and forth across the United States a lot, I frequently have to change the time zone on my work laptop. This requires several steps: That doesn’t sound like much, but when you’re doing it a couple times a week it, it get’s old. Here is what that looks like: I’ve replaced…