The Original by the REAL Ricky Spears

Welcome to the New on RickySpears.NET

I originally registered the domain way back in 1999. It was my personal website and ‘blog’ before blogs were even a thing. Fast forward to 2019. I had a couple difficult years with my mental health that affected me professionally and as part of that some of my domain registration renewals lapsed. One of those domains was Yes, it was completely my fault.

One enterprising young man recognized the longevity of the domain’s ownership and the high search engine rankings content on the site garnered, and quickly purchased it. He started a blog of his own. Oh, and his name isn’t even Ricky Spears!

In 2023, I emailed him inquiring about for what price he would sell the domain back to me. I explained that I wanted it because of it was part of my personal online identity for so long and it held some personal significance for that. I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the longevity in regard to SEO. I told him that I would place 301 redirects to ALL of his existing content, so he won’t lose any of his existing ranking. In fact, that would aid in transferring all of that SEO longevity that he initially wanted over to his new domain. It was a win-win for both of us, plus he would earn whatever he wanted for selling the domain registration. I didn’t even receive a courtesy response from him.

So, I have a plan.

I registered RickySpears.NET.

It’s amazing how many people don’t understand that they can type a URL into their browser’s address bar to go to a website. In Phase I of this plan, let’s see how quickly RickySpears.NET can rank higher in search results for RickySpears.COM than RickySpears.COM can?

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